The MU Office of Service Learning supports academic programs that engage students in meaningful service activities with community partners throughout mid-Missouri. Additionally, we support faculty and instructors from across all colleges and majors in creating service-learning opportunities for students by integrating meaningful community engagement into their courses.
Services offered to faculty and instructors include:
- Assistance with identifying appropriate community partners
- Course development resources and tools to enhance service-learning experiences
- Assistance with the implementation of service learning curriculum
- Prepare students to serve in identified service site through Placement Orientation Meetings (POMs)
- Student enrollment/placement with approved community partners through MU Serves: GivePulse
- Provide ongoing student support and evaluations based on NACE competencies
Service Learning Features and Reports
The Office of Service Learning can provide faculty and instructors a constant tracking of student status at the beginning, middle, and end of the semester. Instructors can choose which of these to implement in a semester and our Office will provide the information. Features of some of the functions we manage include:
- Placement Orientation Meetings (POMs) attendance and service site selection/placement
- Initial contact of service site via students’ email
- Service contracts – complete and/or incomplete agreements for service between students and agencies
- Mid-service evaluation reports based on NACE competencies – including automatically identified under-performers
- Final evaluation reports based on NACE competencies – including automatically identified under-performers
NACE Student Evaluations
The Office of Service Learning provides the management of evaluations for instructors who participate in direct service learning and to those who request it. Our office manages the creation of all roster sheets and all communication to the community partners. Once we have received all student evaluations from our community partners, they are compiled into easy-to-manage excel data sheets by course.

These evaluations can be changed based on the type of service they are participating in or course objectives. This current format allows the evaluations to be the most broad yet easily communicated across all disciplines.
Contact our office to learn more about our evaluation process and how to utilize our resources.