High Impact Practices Summer Institute

1: Choose Your Course Type

Eligible course types employing High-Impact Practices (HIPs) are:​

Click each link to find course requirements

2: Attend the HIPs Summer Institute

The HIPs Summer Institute is a two-day workshop where you will work with other faculty members to develop a course proposal or revise an existing syllabus for a high impact course. Participants receive $100/day, feedback, guidance, and resources. ​

Retreat is June 4-​5, seats limited, express interest here by May 10

3: Apply for the Community of Practice

The HIPs CoP is a group of faculty members who commit to teach a high impact course in the academic year 2024-25 (Fall 25 for FIGs). ​

To apply, submit your department-approved course proposal or revised syllabus to the HIPs committee after the retreat.​

4: Teach Your High-Impact Course with Support

​Once your course is approved, you are ready to teach it with support from various offices on campus. You will also be asked to participate in an assessment of your course’s impact on student learning and engagement. Cohort members will share out experiences and best practices through engaging with the MU Teaching for Learning Center. $1000 per credit hour operational support will be remitted to home department the semester taught.